So You Want to Be Hired? Starting on the Sales Ladder
So you want to be hired as a first-time salesperson? You really want to get on the first rung of the sales career ladder. What distinguishes the great from the mediocre? How do you stand out from the crowd as a future rock-star?
Having interviewed, hired and promoted thousands of junior wanna-be salespeople who now successfully populate sales teams at most of the top technology companies in the Bay Area, my team and I spent a lot of time figuring out what to look for. What really distinguishes the great from the mediocre?
Competitive drive is critical. Competitiveness does not necessarily need to be against others, as long as you can display intense competitiveness with yourself, show you set a high bar and can demonstrate the drive to get there. A common way this is looked at is “do you play a sport?” However, someone may have no interest in sports whatsoever and still can be a great hire.
In an age where consultative selling has become increasingly important, you should show that you listen to the needs of any prospective customer, and that you are able to influence others to understand why the product meets their needs. Role-playing during interviews is a common way that companies hone in on whether these skills are present in a candidate. Make sure you know the product and practice your pitch to an imaginary customer before you get to the interview.
Risk-tolerance, comfort with change, and the ability to learn quickly can be very important in fast-growth companies where the product is evolving, the offering changes and expands, and hence “what’s important” can change too. Can you share examples that show your tolerance for ambiguity, your ability to turn on a dime, to handle new situations and environments well? What examples can you provide from your past experience?
Independence and resilience are traits that bode well for a future career in sales; being able to handle “No”, assessing how long and hard to keep trying, and knowing when to give up are all closely associated with these skills. Share examples where you have shown the ability to push through tough circumstances and approached problems creatively.
Fit with the culture of the organization and team is vital, as well as passion for the company. For the right candidate, the day-to-day interactions with the rest of the team and the learning that comes from this is invaluable. Make sure you educate yourself regarding everything about the company that you can get your hands on.
Try to meet as many employees of the company as possible so you can get a feel for the culture and whether it feels “right” for you. At the same time that you are being assessed as a potential hire, you will want to understand how the role impacts the business, and whether others in the role have had the opportunity to progress in the company. After all, you want to make sure of these things: a meaningful product to offer, an impactful role and the chance to come to work every day to learn from and to enjoy the company of those around you.
If you get an offer, congratulations, you have just made your first sale. Done right, you can gain a great career experience and a stepping stone to the next rung. Let the selling begin!
Originally published on LinkedIn